
Power Rangers IS Vore Fanfic C

Deviation Actions

LiamsLostAngel's avatar

Literature Text


All characters and most inventions mentioned in this piece of writing belong to the
Studio/creators of Power Rangers.

This story is in no way related to my other Power Rangers In Space fanfic(s)
WARNING: This story contains soft vore with no death or digestion. It is also not as pleasant as most of my oter stories. You have been warned, no likey vore, no likey this story... have a nice day.

Hm… Why did his head hurt so much? It wasn’t normal for him to get a headache so bad it woke him up! Carlos put a hand up to his face and rubbed gently, trying to assess whether he was dreaming or not. Apparently not. He frowned and opened one eye, closing it and wishing he hadn’t when bright light kicked at his already hurting mind. He covered his face with his arm and tried again, much more slowly opening his eyes this time, being more careful about it. After a minute or two he was able to look around, and saw that he appeared to be in a small, round glass room… with a smooth metal floor… he could see very little through the glass walls, being that they were too curved and everything outside was warped… it seemed to be very big out there though. He had only a couple of feet space in any direction, and was starting to wonder again if he was dreaming… he had after all gone to sleep normally… in his normal bed… How could he have gotten wherever he was now? Carlos slowly stood up and moved around a little, peering out through the glass walls and trying to see if he could spot anything he recognised. But there was no such luck, and all he could do was sit down again, cold and very worried… what was going on?!

Zhane distantly became aware of unusual sensations… like pain… he wasn’t used to waking up to finding his back, chest, arms and shoulders burning like they were on fire. He was cold too… he had gone to bed as normal in just a pair of soft trousers… and it felt as if he was still dressed like that now… wherever he was. His eyes snapped open and he saw nothing, this confused him for a moment until he realised he could feel a blindfold. He tried to move his arms, but found that they seemed to be tied behind his back… and he was sitting up… he hadn’t gone to sleep sitting up. He tried to stand, but it appeared that his arms and legs were tied to the chair…. WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON? This didn’t seem like something Astronema would do… she was a more ‘kill first ask questions later’ kind of gal. He tried to move again, with no more success than before. “Cut it out Zhane, you’re not going anywhere.” Zhane froze… he knew that voice… was that TJ?
“What’s goin’ on TJ?” demanded Zhane, confused and angry.
“Oh you’ll find out,” came the amused reply
“TJ… you don’t tell me what’s happening right now I’m gonna fold you five ways and…” he was cut off when he felt a stinging slap across his face.
“I SAID YOU’LL FIND OUT. That means when I say. Not when you ask.” Zhane was aghast, what had happened to the blue ranger? Had he gone mad? Zhane would certainly never have said that he would hit him before. The silver ranger was quite literally shocked into silence.

Carlos sat with his head in his hands now, shaking a little from the cold and very scared about where he was. The fact that the walls and floor were freezing, and that he was only wearing thin pyjama trousers and on old t-shirt did not help his temperature problem. He was too caught up in his thoughts to see movement outside until the entire glass room around him was lifted clear away and he jumped to his feet in surprise, unable to see because the light had once again blinded him. Before his vision returned, he was roughly grabbed by something huge, strong and warm. Before he could consider this, he was released again, and he dropped onto another cold surface. He found his feet again quickly, and with his eyes finally adjusted he could see that he was now in a larger, square room with metal walls and floor. He looked up and saw that there was no roof, but yet there was…. Way waaaaaaaaay above him, past the top of the walls… it was like he was in a small room, inside a really really big room! This puzzled him for a moment before something came between said roof and his line of sight… it was huge… towering over the room at terrifying size… it was … “TJ?!” yelled Carlos in amazement and fear. He knew it was TJ, but for some reason he was ignored. Two seconds later, the giant blue ranger dropped someone else roughly into the small room, which it was starting to dawn on Carlos might just be a box. The newcomer was Andros, covering his eyes and looking scared and disoriented. Carlos rushed to him with a cry of “Andros!” and helped the red ranger to his feet.
“What’s going on?” asked Andros fearfully.
“I don’t know… but that’s TJ,” Carlos pointed upwards at the giant blue ranger.
“How… What…I…” Andros seemed to be having a little trouble making his mouth work properly in order to speak. Carlos could understand that, and was about to say something else himself when the huge blue ranger turned and someone else was dropped in with them. It was a familiar figure that they had not seen in a long time and certainly did not expect to see now. “Tommy?!” exclaimed Carlos, rushing over to the ex ranger. What was Tommy doing here? They were still in space weren’t they… what was going on?! Before words could be exchanged, another ex-ranger that Carlos only knew from pictures and stories that the original turbo rangers had shown him or told him. Rocky? Yeah that was the one… this really was getting odd now… was this giant TJ hording power rangers or something? Carlos was almost not surprised when Adam was roughly dropped in with them. Then the giant TJ disappeared from view and Carlos was left speechless and trying to figure out what the heck could be happening. He looked around at the other rangers with him, Andros was dressed as if he too had been taken right out of bed, wearing only his grey, uniform trousers. The other three however looked as if they’d just been taken whilst doing everyday things, all being dressed in similar blue jeans and t-shirts… the shirts of course keeping to their original colours. If the situation had not been so worrying Carlos would have mused about how they kept their colours even when they were no longer rangers. They all stayed perfectly still, staring at each other and upward to where they had all be dropped from. They were all confused and scared, not knowing what was happening or why.

After a moment or two, TJ reappeared and grinned down at them, “all getting comfortable?” he asked softly.
“TJ… what’s happening man?” called Carlos
“Oh, just a little thing I’ve been planning for a while.”
“What? What’s going on? Let us out of here!” yelled Rocky angrily, glaring upwards at TJ.
“Oh? Are you going to make me? No, I can’t let you go see… You’re all so tiny, you might hurt yourselves.” Carlos gasped at this… so it really was then that was tiny, not TJ that was giant. “I’ll teach you to be more respectful Rocky,” snapped the blue ranger, picking up the whole ‘room’ which Carlos was now sure was a box and carrying it somewhere.

The movement made all of the little rangers fall over, now all utterly terrified as to what was going to happen to them… this situation was no longer confusing to them, but downright dangerous. The worst part was that they now knew which one of them was going to have something bad happen to him first… Rocky. The movement stopped before long, and there was a clunk as the box was put down. “Okay boys, I’m going to show you what’s going to happen to you all.” said TJ, and before anyone could stop him, a strong pair of dark fingers grabbed the scruff of Rocky’s shirt and plucked him out of the box. Then a glass lid was placed over them. They all shouted in objection, but were soon stopped when the box was tipped violently and they all fell hard onto what had once been the wall. Now the glass was one of the walls, they could all see out… and what they could see worried them. “Zhane?” yelled Andros, seeing his friend tied firmly to a chair a few metres away, normal size, blindfolded and with a bruise on one cheek. But apparently his cry went unheard, as Zhane did not respond, then the four of them fell silent as TJ came into view, holding Rocky in some kind of jar. They could see now in side comparison that the ex-ranger was about three and a half inches tall. They watched, fearful, as TJ put Rocky’s jar down and fetched a strange looking metal thing from a table, then he grabbed a handful of Zhane’s blonde hair and yanked backwards, making the silver ranger cry out in surprise and pain as his head was snapped backwards.

Quick as a flash the blue ranger put the strange metal thing in Zhane’s mouth, then stepped backwards. A terrible realisation suddenly came to Carlos as he saw what the metal thing did… it held the confused ranger’s mouth wide open… a shiver passed through all of the remaining four rangers in the box… as if it had dawned on them what might just be about to happen. They could only watch helplessly as TJ grabbed Rocky’s jar and roughly tipped Zhane’s head back again.

Zhane was confused and afraid, TJ had been doing a lot of moving around nearby and it was making him even more nervous than he had been… if only he could see! He wouldn’t be so afraid! Then his hair had been yanked hard and he had cried out, it had been unexpected and painful, but not as unexpected as the strange metal brace that had been shoved into his mouth, holding it open and making him start to really worry. He was of course unable to speak, but he made his unhappiness quite clear through inarticulate noise from his throat.  Then he felt something cold touch his lip and he immediately closed his throat, silencing himself in the process. He did not want to risk having that lunatic pour poison or something like that down his throat. The next thing he knew something fell into his mouth… not liquid or anything like he had been expecting, but something… alive!

A fraction of a second after he realised this, he heard a voice shouting and begging, and from the movement he could feel in his mouth… it was whoever was in there that was doing the shouting.
“You hear that, Zhane? Hmmm?” Zhane felt the little creature in his mouth scrabbling to try and escape, even trying to use the brace as a way out, but there was a little flick from TJ’s finger. The silver ranger shut his eyes in pain as this made the metal quiver in his mouth and also as he felt the little body hit the back of his mouth. For a while, TJ let them be and Zhane kept his throat closed, feeling the soft panting of the tiny ranger as he lay on the closed throat.
TJ’s voice was close as he seemed to circle the two rangers, saying softly, “Look at him, Zhane… Look how tiny he is… Oh, but you can’t look can you? But you can feel him. You feel how small he is? How tiny?” Zhane felt the hair prickle on the back of his neck as he felt breath on his ear as TJ whispered to him, “Isn’t he just bite-size?”
Zhane’s breath caught in his throat as TJ chuckled darkly. “Yep… He’s the perfect size to gulp down whole, Zhane… You’d be able to feel him all the way down your gullet. I’ll bet that he’ll squirm…” Zhane felt TJ’s fingers in his mouth and scowled into the blindfold as he felt the blue ranger poking playfully at the poor little creature in his mouth, crooning to it, “Oh, yeah, you’ll squirm, won’t you?”
TJ withdrew his fingers and went around, speaking softly. “And do you know why he’s going to struggle, Zhane? It’s quite simple, really. Instinct. He doesn’t want to die.” He gently patted Zhane’s bare stomach, rubbing the warm skin and chuckling as the silver ranger struggled against his bonds viciously. “Once that little guy slips down your throat, he won’t be a ranger anymore. He’ll be FOOD. Food for you, Zhane, and your body will treat him the same as your breakfast or lunch.”
TJ came and then whispered softly and clearly into Zhane’s ear, “You… Will… KILL… him…”
These words almost broke Zhane and he started to struggle as hard as he could, feeling the restraints on his hands and ankles cutting his skin.
NO! He would not end the life of another! He was a Power Ranger! A sworn protector! He couldn’t be a killer! He WOULDN’T be a killer!
But TJ wasn’t done yet, saying softly as he delicately caressed Zhane’s throat, “Oh, don’t fight so much! You’re in no position to resist anything. He’s going right down your throat… Down and down…” He traced his fingers along Zhane’s throat ending by rubbing at his stomach, saying with a chuckle, “Until he hits bottom. The bottom of your stomach that is. And then I give him… maybe twenty minutes. Not a lot of air in there and those acids aren’t going to be helping to make him comfy.”
Zhane wanted so desperately to hit TJ and to make him shut up. He felt terrible now, made even worse by the fact that TJ’s words were true. If he was forced to eat the little creature in his mouth, he would inevitably kill him.
He felt the small ranger cowering pitifully at the back of his mouth, obviously terrified and it hurt Zhane to know that he was making the Ranger feel so afraid.

Zhane kept his throat shut firmly, hoping that TJ wasn’t planning what he thought he
might be. But in a matter of moments his fears were confirmed when he felt a strong pair of fingers grab the little body and rearrange it’s position before starting to shove it hard again the back of Zhane’s throat. Zhane stubbornly kept his throat closed, as much as it hurt to do so, how could he let this happen?! This could be Andros for all he knew! He couldn’t eat his best friend! But after a moment or two, he received an incredibly hard kick in the shin, causing him to give an involuntary cry, this of course opened up his throat, and the struggling little body was forced headfirst halfway inside before Zhane regained his senses and closed his throat again. The fingers kept trying to push the little form onwards, but his throat was strong, and the little ranger barely moved. “You keep right on doing that Zhane… the longer you hold him there more likely it is you’ll suffocate him,” said TJ’s voice coldly. Zhane hadn’t thought of this, and it scared him, in a moment of indecision he lessened the force he was using, and that was all TJ needed apparently to shove the little body that last couple of inches until Zhane’s body took over against his will, his automatic gulping reflex drawing the now desperately struggling form on down. It hurt the silver ranger every inch of the way, the frantic kicks and struggles stretching and damaging his gullet. Finally he felt the little lump fall into his stomach and he let out the cry of pain he had been holding. Then he gasped as a whole new set of sensations started up, he could feel the little human moving, apparently running around desperately. Then Zhane let out another cry as he felt a kick, it didn’t hurt as much as the swallowing, but was still unexpected and painful. He heard a cruel laugh and then his blindfold was ripped off, he didn’t care that the sudden brightness burned his eyes, he looked right at TJ and spoke, his voice rasping horribly from the damage to his throat, “I an going ko kiw you you gastard!” he slurred around the metal brace. For this he received another stinging slap,
“Manners Zhane, remember your manners.” The silver ranger winced as he felt another painful kick in his stomach.
“Why ould aou do thif?!” he gasped, unable to comprehend why or how anyone would want to make this happen.
“Simple… because being good is pointless… all you get for it is horrible injuries and the occasional word of thanks. Well I’m sick of having the life beaten out of me for nothing… It’s time for power rangers to turn bad.” Zhane knew that his jaw would have dropped at this if it wasn’t already held open.
“bup… power rangers can’p be bad…” talking around the brace was really starting to hurt.
“Oh I beg to differ, once you guys are all out of the way, I can do whatever I want, and there won’t be anyone to stop me who I can’t handle… But enough talk, time to get on with this.” TJ clapped his hands together and approached some kind of box on the counter that Zhane had failed to notice before, but now that he had noticed it, he realised in horror what was in it. He cried out, but was once again unable to do anything more as TJ turned back around with another little body grasped firmly in his hand. The silver ranger felt instantly sick when he realised who it was, and felt even more sick when whoever it was already inside him gave a desperate shove to one of the walls of his stomach. This time, he was being approached with a living legend, he had heard all about Tommy from the others, seen the footage of him, been told all the stories… and now… this living legend was just over three inches tall and about to be forced inside him.

TJ also seemed to realize this and paused a moment to lean in a friendly fashion on Zhane’s shoulder, crooning to the tiny Tommy, “Strange, isn’t it, ‘Mr. Legend’? You’ve been a big shot your entire Power Ranger career, survived everything that any evil Lord or Witch has thrown at you, and you’re going to wind up in the belly of a fellow Ranger.” He laughed coldly and poked at Tommy’s gut, saying, “How funny...”
Tommy struggled, saying loudly, “You’ll never get away with this!”
“Oh, you wanna bet?” TJ retorted smiling. He knelt beside Zhane, who watched disgusted and horrified as TJ pressed Tommy to his bare stomach, letting him feel the struggle of the poor ranger within. TJ lifted Tommy up to his face, saying coldly, “You’re finished, Mr. Legend. Oh sure, the stories will survive, but you won’t…”
TJ was pleased to see fear on Tommy’s face. Apparently Legends could have emotions too. He stood up slowly, holding Tommy in plain view of Zhane’s wide eyes, dangling him teasingly. “He doesn’t look like much, does he? Hardly a mouthful.”
Zhane tried to speak to order TJ to let the other go, but TJ was starting to gently tilt his head up again, lifting Tommy higher and higher. Zhane tried to resist, but for a while, TJ did nothing, just holding Tommy over the silver ranger’s mouth. TJ smiled, saying softly to Tommy, “Nice view, isn’t it?”

Tommy didn’t agree. He clung to the fingers holding him desperately, panting hard. He felt his heart racing at what seemed to be a hundred miles an hour and he quivered, knowing that TJ was absolutely right. He was small enough to become a light snack for the silver ranger. He tried to reason with TJ, but the blue ranger was speaking softly, almost purring, “Take a good look, Tommy. Down there is your new home… I know you’ll like it. It’s going to be nice and hot and soft… Well, until the acids set in. and then it would be… not so pleasant.” TJ smiled broadly at this, his teeth bared frighteningly, like a predatory animal’s.
TJ let Zhane’s head go and then backed up a bit, holding Tommy by the scruff of his shirt and showing him to the box on the table. “Take a good last look at your ‘Legend’, boys, because in just a few minutes…” He looked at the bound silver Ranger, “He’ll be nothing but nutrients and a memory…”

Zhane desperately bit down on the brace, trying to break it or bend it… but instead there came a horrible crunch that resounded through his head and he cried out in pain. He had put so much pressure on the metal that part of it had snapped and embedded itself deeply in the roof of his mouth. He coughed as a coppery taste filled his mouth, but discovered to his horror that although damaged, the brace was still effective. TJ loomed over him and tipped his head back roughly to get a good look… “Oh that’s got to hurt…” he said. Zhane scowled at him, and would have tried to say something or make a noise if he didn’t think that the little body in TJ’s hand would be crammed down his throat. He looked at Tommy, and his pale brown eyes met the ex-ranger’s much darker brown eyes… and whilst he saw terror, anger and confusion… he did not see accusation… it seemed that Tommy did not blame him for this. Then the eye contact was broken as TJ lifted the ex-ranger and shoved him feet first into Zhane’s mouth. Unfortunately the silver ranger did not manage to hold out very long this time because Tommy must have flailed and accidentally struck the piece of metal, Zhane couldn’t stop himself from crying out in pain as the metal was driven further and more blood filled his mouth. That cry was all TJ needed and Tommy’s struggling form was forced into his throat, this time not stopped halfway because Zhane’s blood seemed to make him slide in a whole lot easier, and the silver ranger was left to cough and splutter on the crimson liquid as the little body slid down inside him, strangely this time there was no kicking… Tommy was either unable to… or didn’t want to hurt him.
Zhane tried to urge Tommy to fight, to try and save himself, but his body worked efficiently and claimed the little body for it’s own, sucking it down into his depths. But he kept coughing, trying to bring Tommy back up, refusing to acknowledge that he had already felt the little ranger tumble into his belly.

“Ugh, stop it Zhane you’re making a mess!” snarled TJ as Zhane continued to cough, “oh fine.” TJ tipped Zhane’s head back and carefully reached into his mouth and removed the snapped piece of metal from the roof of his mouth. “Hm, maybe I’ve made enough of a point for one day.” Muttered the blue ranger removing the rest of the brace and putting it down on a metal table. And with that he went behind the still coughing Zhane and the next thing the silver ranger knew was a sharp pain in his head… then blackness.

Zhane awoke some time later to discover that he was no longer in a chair, but laying on his side… and his hands were no longer tied behind his back. He opened his eyes and looked around, and discovered that he was in what appeared to be a small storage chamber, it was only about one metre high, one across and two metres long… but he was no longer bound and that significantly improved the situation for him. He groaned as he realised his face was in a small puddle of congealed blood and he sat up, very carefully exploring the damage to his mouth with the tip of his tongue. His memory seemed to have blanked most of what happened until he suddenly felt a movement in his belly. He gasped in surprise and put a hand to it as his memory came flooding back about having the other rangers forced inside him… they were still alive? But from the look of the blood on the floor he had been out at least four hours… how was that possible?! He pressed his belly very gently and was surprised when he felt more movements under his palm… they really were still alive somehow! At that moment, he heard a distant little thudding noise and looked around, seeing in the dim light that there was a metal box with a glass lid at the back corner of the chamber. He very carefully turned around and peered into the box, seeing three tiny people inside looking up at him with fearful eyes. He quickly recognized Andros and Carlos, and the third one seemed to be another of the original turbo rangers… Adam if he remembered him right. They looked up at him fearfully for a moment before Andros seemed to distantly register who it was and he pointed to the lid, gesturing for the silver ranger to remove it. Zhane did so with a little difficulty, given that his hands and arms were so stiff from being tied behind him for so long. “Are you guys okay?” he asked, very cautiously, finding that it hurt a lot to speak. The three seemed almost wary of him, he was offended for a moment before realising that his size must be intimidating to them. Then Andros seemed to fully remember who he was, and replied, “well… the three of us are, are you?” Zhane could hear the unintended accusation in the words, ‘the three of us,’ and it hurt him.
“I’m kind of okay…” How okay could he be expected to be? “But there’s something you should know… Those other two… are still alive.” The three little rangers froze, looking up at him disbelievingly.
“What….how…” Andros seemed lost for words.
“I don’t know how… they just are,” replied Zhane with a shrug, gently laying a hand on his belly. He noticed that all three of them were shivering and trying not to touch the cold metal walls and he felt sorry for them. “You’re cold… do you want me to… get you out of there and…” he blushed “…warm you up or something?” They all looked at each other, but seemed to silently agree that they were all dangerously cold. Andros nodded, and Zhane very gently reached in and grasped him around the chest. Then the silver ranger put his free arm across his own chest and gently placed his best friend on the little ‘shelf’ that this made. Then he reached back in for Carlos, and then Adam, who at first seemed scared and dodged his hand, wary of this stranger. “It’s okay Adam… Zhane’s one of us!” called Carlos.
“So was TJ!” replied the ex-ranger.
“Stop it Adam… Zhane won’t hurt you!” yelled the black ranger, getting annoyed. Adam finally stopped and Zhane was able to pick him up and gently put him with his friends. Then Zhane leaned back against one of the walls, closing his eyes for a moment and feeling a wave of guilt as there was a strong tickle from his belly… if only he could understand what they were saying in there… maybe he’d know how they were still alive… one thing was certain… the only way he could hope of getting them out was to make himself sick… and that was not going to happen with his throat feeling like it had been shredded all the way down. Not to mention that other than the rangers… there was nothing in his stomach to throw up.
“Are you alright?” asked Carlos. Zhane glowered blankly at the opposite for a moment before replying.
“I’ve been better,” he muttered,
“I can see that,” said Andros, pointing at him. Zhane looked down at himself and realised that his chest was covered in dried blood, not to mention his face where he’d been laying in it. “What happened?” asked the red ranger, looking up at him.
“You must have seen him put a metal brace thing in my mouth… well I broke it and… well let’s say that some of the pieces were sharp when they were broken,” Zhane sighed.
“But you said the others… were alive?” asked Adam cautiously.
“They are… I can…” Zhane blushed deeply again, “…I can feel them moving.”

The other three were silent, they didn’t seem to know what to say, they were probably as confused as he was. The silver ranger slowly slid down the wall so that he was lying on the floor, the three little rangers perched on his chest. Despite all the pain and the desperate urge to try and escape, he knew it was useless, the walls and door were solid, and without his morpher there was no hope of getting out. He just felt exhausted now, as much as he dreaded what was to happen to him and the others tomorrow… He felt something odd and looked to see Andros had curled up on his chest, apparently just as tired as he was. A smile twitched his mouth at this despite everything, that was cute. The silver ranger relaxed slowly, still feeling the two little rangers inside him moving around, but the movements were not panicked or desperate as they had first been… now they were softer, smaller, as if the two little rangers were just exploring and hardly worried at all… this puzzled Zhane… even if they weren’t being hurt now, surely they would be soon, how long could this strange fluke last anyway? Zhane sighed again and placed a hand gently over his stomach… it felt so odd… he finally drifted off into a troubled sleep, his mind struggling to grasp anything that was going on and praying that he would wake up to find it had all been a dream.

Carlos lay in silence on Zhane’s bare chest, he was warmer now, and that was good… but he couldn’t sleep like the others all seemed to be managing to… he couldn’t help thinking about what would happen to them tomorrow… were they to be stuffed down Zhane’s throat as well? What then? If Tommy and Rocky were still alive did that mean they would all survive it? And what did TJ plan for Zhane when he was done with them? Carlos shivered at the thought and forced himself to calm down, turning onto his side and snuggling into the warmth he lay on. Oh well… at least there was a small chance they would live through this… If it was true that Tommy and Rocky were alive, but what else could it be? If Zhane said they were alive he had to assume it was the truth, why would the silver ranger lie after all? But even after convincing himself of all this, Carlos still could not sleep. He sighed and instead spent the night staring fearfully at the door, waiting for TJ to come and get them…

Zhane awoke the next day to discover that he was no longer in a fairly comfortable position in the storage chamber, but once again tied to a chair… it seemed that TJ had managed to knock him out as he slept again and tied him up before he came to. To his dismay he discovered also that the brace was already in his mouth, and TJ appeared to have rebuilt it more sturdily than before. He bit down to see if it would snap again, but quickly discovered that he would dislocate his jaw before he would break this one. He tested his bonds again, to see if they were any looser, but alas, TJ had once again made sure there was no way he was getting loose. Zhane struggled for a minute before looking around for the others, and there was the box, lid firmly on, on a table on the other side of the room, he sighed heavily… there was nothing he could do. A thought suddenly occurred to him and he looked down at his stomach, tensing the muscles there as hard as he could. He coughed in surprise when he felt annoyed squirms… they were still alive! “Discovering something odd Zhane?” a cold, familiar voice from behind him.
“They’re htill alibhe!” slurred Zhane loudly.
“Course they are! Just because I want them out of the way doesn’t mean I want to kill them!” said TJ as if the very idea was offensive. Zhane just stared blankly at him… this man really was totally mad!
“tho all thap dyang talk was…”
“For shits ‘n giggles Zhane… nothing more.”

The silver ranger barely had thirty seconds to comprehend this before TJ had marched over to the box and plucked out one of the remaining rangers. Oh not again… it had all been like it had gone away last night when he had lain peacefully with the three little ranger sleeping on his chest, it had been a moment of tranquillity and until now he had forgotten the pain and horror of the reality. As he looked, he saw that it was Adam that had been taken, it was as if TJ wanted to leave the two rangers that Zhane was closest to until last, making him suffer in fear for them for the longest time possible. The silver ranger closed his eyes and stubbornly shut his throat, but he knew he couldn’t win, his throat was too sore and damaged for him to hold out for very long at all. Sure enough, it only took miniscule force from TJ to push the little body down inside him far enough for his gullet to seize the little form and draw it on down to his centre. Zhane was surprised by one thing though, whilst it still hurt a lot to swallow something that big, Adam was not struggling, just like Tommy, the ex-ranger allowed himself be dragged down inside the silver ranger. At least it didn’t make him scream in pain this way… although the frustration still made Zhane scream as soon as the blockage was far enough down. Then all he could do was hang his head in shame and defeat as tears of failure stung his eyes.

Carlos sat curled up in the corner of the metal box with Andros beside him as they listened to Zhane’s cry of frustration, both of them terrified to ask the question that both of them wanted to ask… Who was going to be next? Carlos shuddered violently and hugged his knees to his chest a little tighter, feeling Andros shuffle a little closer to his side. They now knew they were going to live, and they both trusted Zhane a great deal, but the very idea of what was about to happen to them was frightening and confusing. The dark haired ranger cringed as he heard TJ approaching the box, it was time for another one of them to go. He and Andros huddled closer together and further into the corner as TJ loomed over them, both knowing that it wouldn’t help them at all. Carlos closed his eyes as he felt himself gripped and lifted away from Andros, who now that he was alone seemed to lose his fear and started to shout try to reason with TJ… who ignored him totally.

Carlos freaked out, struggling against the fingers that held his chest uncomfortably hard, trying to free himself from the grip, not even caring that if he was released, the fall could spell his death. He heard Zhane give an angry yell as his head was doubtlessly yanked backwards just as roughly as normal. Carlos looked towards the silver ranger, and saw just as much fear in his eyes as he felt inside himself… The black ranger struggled harder than before, but TJ did not even speak to him about his defiant struggles. The blue ranger merely gripped Carlos’s ankle with his free hand and turned the little ranger upside down. Carlos yelped angrily and in fear as he was lowered slowly towards Zhane’s open mouth. He flailed desperately as he saw the teeth level with his eyes. Even though the mouth as locked open it still drove home to Carlos the reality of his situation. He continued to struggle with all his might as he felt his head and back make contact with the hot, slimy flesh, this couldn’t be real! This COULD NOT BE HAPPENING!

Then he felt the grip on his ankle released and be replaced by pressure on his feet, forcing him downwards, deeper into Zhane. He cried out again, but the flesh his face was pressed up against did not offer as much resistance as he had expected, and everything around him vibrated as the silver ranger let out a moan of pain. “Hang in there Zhane!” he screamed as loudly as he could, hoping for a miracle in the few seconds he might be able to buy. He felt the flesh quiver again, and then firm up and little more, Zhane really was trying to stop this and from the way the black ranger could feel his friend shaking, he knew that it was hurting him a lot. Then there was a dull thud and the damp cave of the mouth seemed to jerk suddenly and Zhane let out a full-blown cry of pain. The sound shot through Carlos, deafening him and numbing him, he could not even struggle as he was forced into the opening that the cry had presented. The sound was abruptly cut off as Carlos was forced against softer, damper flesh, but his head was spinning from the volume of the sound he had just been exposed to, and he could do nothing but shake and twist a little. He must have been in up to his knees when the tight tunnel about him constricted and he was crushed, unable to move or breathe.

After a moment or two he was starting to really panic as his scrambled and now oxygen-starved mind screamed at him to do something. But he could do nothing, then the pressure on his feet increased and he slid a little, then a little more, and after a few more seconds he felt the muscle around him ripple powerfully and he as drawn further by it. But he barely felt this any more as he slipped further down, he had been without air for too long, and he blacked out.

He opened his eyes to darkness, darkness and heat. “Carlos? Are you alright?” he jumped as he felt a hand on his shoulder, “it’s okay, it’s Tommy.” Carlos relaxed and sat up slowly, groaning when his head spun horribly. “Yeah… I think I’m…” he froze, remembering what had just happened to him, he inhaled sharply and clutched at the hand on his shoulder. “Shh, it’s okay, you’re safe,” Carlos followed the arm up to it’s owner and pulled Tommy into a desperate hug… he just felt the need to be sure the ex-ranger was real and there with him. “It’s okay Carlos, we seem to be safe here, come on, Adam and Rocky are just over here.” Carlos allowed himself to be led a few feet, falling over repeatedly on the soft floor. Then he was sat down next to someone and he automatically cuddled up to the form, still desperate for friendly human contact. It turned out to be Adam, who seemed to understand and put an arm around him. “Andros the only one left now?” he asked. Carlos nodded silently, still shaking. Adam sighed and said nothing more, nobody did, they all just sat there, waiting.

Zhane stared blankly at TJ as the blue ranger stood before him, holding Andros the same way as he had held the others. It seemed that TJ wanted to draw this one out and make him hurt as much as possible about it. But Zhane wasn’t going to play that game, he closed his eyes and refused to listen to TJ talking about what he was going to do when all of them were ‘out of the way.’ Zhane wanted to know what was planned for him when this was all over, but it seemed he would just have to wait and find out as the blue ranger finally shut up and advanced on him, Andros in hand.

The silver ranger could barely find the energy to resist this time, he knew it was hopeless, he still tried his hardest to keep Andros in the outside world, but it was useless, and he ended up giving another scream of frustration as the tiny struggling form of his best friend slid down inside him. Before he had had even a minute to feel the guilt of this, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head and then his world went black.

He woke up slowly, he didn’t know how much later, but the brace was gone from his mouth and he was in the storage chamber again, he sat up very slowly with a groan and gently put a hand on his stomach. He felt a mass of squirming and moaned softly at the overload of sensation the movements gave him. He panted for a moment or two as his mind adjusted to this, then looked around, there was a piece of paper on the door with writing on it. It was a note from TJ informing him that this was his home now and wouldn’t be leaving anytime soon, he would apparently be fed and let out occasionally, but other than that… he would be here forever. In a fit of fury, Zhane punched the door and then shredded the note into teeny tiny little pieces.

When he calmed down he leaned against one of the walls and stroked his stomach, he had barely been aware of the weight difference when it was only two of them, but now his belly felt unnaturally heavy. He shivered a little as at least two of them responded to his stroking by rubbing back, that felt so odd, kind of tingly and rather nice. “I’m sorry this happened,” he said softly, not sure if they would be able to hear him. “I tried to stop him… you all know that right?” He sighed as the rubbing inside him increased. “You can understand me?” he asked, just wanting to be sure. The rubbing increased yet again and he couldn’t stop himself from moaning again. After all the pain and torture of the last couple of days, this felt like heaven. He relaxed against the wall and gently continued to stroke his stomach, feeling the little rangers inside settle down again. He could feel one of them snuggled up to the front, as close to the stroking as possible, and he smiled as he said quietly, “Andros?” The little form pawed at him and he knew he was right, his best friend was right there under his fingertips, it was still so surreal to Zhane that he could not even try to comprehend the situation. But for the time being his occupants were peaceful, thought they were surely as hungry as he was, for he had not eaten food in a couple of days now. He sighed and settled, deciding that he would think about escape when his headache went away. He kept up the stroking, feeling small occasional movements as one of the tiny rangers did something or shifted about. He couldn’t lie to himself, it felt nice, and after the last couple of days he felt he had the right to indulge in what little positive the situation had! He lay down slowly on his side, carrying on the stroking right up until he finally dozed off.

Special thanks to Goldfox20 for helping out with this one!

Not as nice as my normal stories i know... but i was in a bad mood for most of the writing so that's probably why.
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Vidarstormgod's avatar

Normally I'm not a fan of Male on male vore, but you're stories are just so awesome. Especially the Power Rangers fics