
The Scavengers: Part 28

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LiamsLostAngel's avatar

Literature Text

The Scavengers: Part 28.

Characters and inventions are all © LiamsLostAngel

Warning, contains soft m/m non-sexual vore.

Strongly suggest you check out the character profiles, previous chapters and concept explanation before reading ^-^


Jones nodded, "We still need to discuss the two soldiers."
Oily blinked, going back to his seat. "Oh… Toby and Nick?"
Jones sighed, "yes… them…"

Edwyn frowned, tensing, putting an arm protectively around his stomach. "They're good men… strong men, who are familiar with the desert and its dangers… Nick is a talented carpenter and demolition expert… and Toby is strong and smart…"
Jones held up his hands, "That's good to know… but the main question is… what KIND of soldiers are they?"
Edwyn frowned, "Oh… just… security guards."
Jones blinked, tilting his head, "That's it?"
Edwyn nodded, puzzled, not knowing what the man had expected.
Jones smiled, "Security guards?"
Edwyn nodded again, worried by this unusual reaction.
Jones chuckled, "I was so worried about a pair of security guards? Are you kidding me?"
Oily smiled, starting to see that Jones wasn't worried any more. "Not high ups or anything like that… nobody who would be faithful to the military… just… security guards." He added, hoping to further reassure the leader.
Jones grinned, standing up and going to pat Edwyn on the back, "Welcome to the scavengers." He then leaned down and patted him on the stomach as well. "And that goes for you too… but I'd rather like to meet you in person before I accept you…"
There was some strong shifting under the man's flesh in response to this, and a pause before a muffled answer. "You'll have to talk to Edwyn about that!"
Edwyn laughed, smiling. "Well I can bring them out… but I won't be able to put them back to normal again yet…"
Jones smiled, "Good enough for me…"
Edwyn nodded, leaning forwards and tensing, focusing hard before starting to work to bring the men out, the large forms harsh on his delicate throat, but one at a time he managed to work them out, panting a little as he sat up, holding the two men gently in his arms.
The two of them blinked in the sudden light, covering their eyes and wincing, causing the three larger men to chuckle softly at them.
After a moment, Toby managed to gather his senses and looked around, seemingly trying to figure out whether Oily or Jones was the leader. "Who is it that we should be meeting as our new boss then?"
Oily giggled, pointing at Jones, "This is Jones… but we call him Hero… he's saved our asses enough times."
Jones chuckled and thwacked Oily across the back of the head. "No, don't call me Hero… Jones is fine."
The two guards smiled, "Well… thanks for helping us out."
Jones smiled, leaning down to examine them. "Those are some pretty mean scars you have there… let me guess… Coyote?"
Nick blinked, looking at his arm and then back up at Jones, "How did you know?"
Jones grinned, "There's not much that can attack soldiers and do damage like that."
Toby smiled, "Yes… Coyotes… I see you have a scar of your own… and that wasn't caused by a coyote…"
Jones covered his eye sadly. "No, but as scavengers we meet many more dangerous things than Coyotes… you think I have some bad scars, just wait until you see Murdock… but you mustn't mention anything about his… or he'll probably break your face."
Toby laughed, "Thank you for the warning."
Jones smiled, "well… welcome to the team… when you and Edwyn are properly rested and have your strength back we'll see about finding some proper duties for you, and teaching you how things work."
All three of them smiled and Oily grinned, leaping at Jones gleefully again, hugging him. "Thank you Jones!"
Jones laughed, "Don't thank me, they're all sharing YOUR room."
Oily grinned hungrily. "Oh I'm sure we can work out a way for that to work…"
Jones smiled, "I thought you would say that… now leave me alone so I can get on with work."
They all went to the door, smiling as the leader went back to his maps, and then leaving him in peace.
Oily grinned as he walked back to his own quarters and then hugged Edwyn happily again, accidentally squishing Nick and Toby between them a little.
Edwyn laughed, pulling the man off him and checking the soldiers were okay. "So… now what?"
Oily smiled, "Well, you guys all need to rest, so why don't you tuck these guys away again and I'll go get on with some work."
Edwyn smiled, sitting on the bed, looking down at the two men. "That okay?"
They both nodded sleepily, cuddled against the warm chest of their friend.
Edwyn smiled, carefully handing Nick to Oily and lifting Toby up, "You ready?" Toby smiled, nodding. "Whenever you are Doc."
Edwyn nodded, gently sliding the man's head and shoulders into his mouth and starting to gulp him down, as so many times before. However, this time something went wrong, the man seeming to struggle and get stuck when his chest was just about to pass under Edwyn's collarbone.
Oily quickly saw there was trouble as Edwyn's eyes went wide and he started to gulp firmly, but the bulge didn't move at all. He hurriedly put Nick on the table and went to his friend, putting a hand on his back and one on his throat, gently rubbing to relax the muscles there, "Open your mouth…" he said softly, glad when Edwyn did as he was told. Then he gently put his fingers in the man's mouth and pushed down firmly on the guard's feet that were still just visible at the back of the throat. He pressed gently on them until he couldn't reach them any more, and then went back to massaging his friend's neck gently, glad when he felt the smooth bulge finally starting to move.

Edwyn gulped gratefully now as the sizeable bulge slid on, sighing in relief as it sped up a little and became more natural again. He winced as the man was forced on down, finally squeezing into his stomach, then he coughed, rubbing at his throat. "Water?" he croaked painfully.
Oily nodded and rushed to get him a cup, then sat down beside the table, watching Edwyn worriedly. Nick frowned, climbing quickly and fearlessly up onto Oily's shoulder, leaning towards Edwyn. "Is Toby okay?"
Edwyn nodded weakly, rubbing his stomach. "Out of breath, and shaken… but okay…"
Oily sighed in relief, nodding. "Are YOU okay?"
Edwyn nodded, shivering a little, laying back on the bed. "Much the same…"
Nick frowned, worried about his friend, and seemed to be judging the distance to try jumping over to the bed when Oily saw this and grabbed him gently. "Don't even think about it." He said as he lifted the man up and carried him to the bed instead, putting him down beside Edwyn.
Nick paid little attention to him, hurriedly climbing up onto Edwyn's stomach and rubbing at the flesh. "Toby?
Nick sighed in relief, "Yeah… are you okay?"
Toby knelt to push back at the flesh firmly. "I'm fine… is Edwyn?"
"Yeah… he seems okay… right doc?"
Edwyn nodded, putting a hand down to rub at his stomach. "I'm okay… but… Nick… I really don't think I'll be able to take you in now…"
Nick frowned, freezing up nervously, his damp hair falling over his face. "I'll be alone out here like this?!"
Edwyn frowned, cuddling the man to his chest gently. "I'm so sorry Nick… I didn't know this would happen…"
Nick wriggled nervously and then curled up against Edwyn's chest, suddenly intimidated by this giant world, so unfriendly to small things."
Oily tilted his head, "Might I offer a suggestion?" he patted his stomach lightly. "I've got room…"
Edwyn looked up at him, "You'd do that?"
Nick frowned, cuddling more firmly into Edwyn's chest. "But I don't know you…"
Oily smiled, "Yes you do… we've been talking for days whilst Edwyn was out of it,"
Nick seemed to remember this and looked up at him nervously. "But… is it safe?"
Oily chuckled softly. "As safe as it is with Edwyn."
Nick pondered this, seeming to decide that being inside a warm belly without Toby was better than being stuck outside in the frightening and dangerous world without Toby. "Alright…"
Oily smiled, very gently lifting him off Edwyn's chest. "Okay, now this will be a little different, because I can take in things bigger than Edwyn can, it'll be more gentle and not as restricting on the way down alright?"
Nick nodded, wriggling a little nervously in his hands. "Okay… just be gentle okay?"
Oily smiled, unclipping his collar and putting it down. "Of course, just close your eyes…"
Nick did as he was told, shaking slightly now.
Oily nodded, gently slipping the man into his mouth and gulping, letting him slip easily into his throat, giving another strong swallow before closing his mouth, smiling at the sensation of the warm, wriggling man slipping easily down his throat and sliding into his stomach. He grinned, putting a hand gently on his gut, waiting for the man to sort himself out, but his smile disappeared when he felt Nick shivering, curling up firmly at the back of his stomach. "Nick? It's alright… you're okay…"
"I'm scared!" Blurted the man nervously.
Oily sighed, "Shhhh, it's okay… you're safe… what's wrong?"
"That was nothing like Edwyn… are you sure it's okay?"
Oily nodded, "I swear it is Nick…"
Edwyn frowned, lifting a hand and pressing it against Oily's stomach, sitting up to speak. "Nick… hush now… you're okay, I would never hand you over to someone I wasn't sure could look after you…"
Nick seemed to come around a little to Edwyn's voice and he moved to the front of the stomach, pressing against the scientist's hand gently, wanting the familiarity.
Edwyn rubbed gently at him, helping him to settle slowly, then relaxing with a sigh once he felt the man was reassured enough.
Oily smiled, gently pulling the blankets of the bed over Edwyn, "You relax and get some sleep… I'll be back in a few hours okay?"
Edwyn nodded tiredly, and cuddled down to sleep, dropping off without ever realising that Toby was still wondering what was happening and whether he was going to get Nick or not.

Toby frowned, pawing at the wall gently, "Edwyn?" He waited for an answer, pressing his ear to the flesh, wanting to know. He gave another nervous shout, "Edwyn? Speak to me!" He gave the soft flesh a gentle punch, trying to get his friend to respond. "Edwyn? Where's Nick? What happened?" But he could hear how low the heartbeat was… how relaxed… and he knew his exhausted friend had fallen asleep. He sighed, settling into the soft flesh, frowning, he didn't like not knowing what was happening… especially when he didn't know if Nick was safe… or who was looking after him… or anything like that. He frowned, cuddling down and trying to find comfort in the soft flesh… but he felt unsettled with being here alone… and with Edwyn asleep he couldn't get any comfort either. He sighed, curling up, trying to relax.

Oily sat down and waited until he was sure Edwyn was resting comfortably and then quickly clipped his collar back on and made his way through to the engine to get to work.
He spent a full five hours tending the engines and other mechanical parts of the base before he got the chance to stop for a while, flopping down with a sigh in the engine room to catch his breath. He relaxed for a few minutes before he felt something inside that didn't feel quite right, and he put a hand on his stomach, tilting his head. "Nick?" it felt like the man was shaking again… curled up and tense. He couldn't hear if the man replied over the sound of the engine, so he got up and clambered out of the room, hurrying back to his own quarters and shutting the door firmly after him. He settled on one of the chairs and rubbed gently at his stomach, "Nick? Talk to me…"
At first Nick just curled up tighter and didn't say anything that Oily could hear.
The mechanic frowned and prodded his stomach gently. "Come on fella… you're a big tough soldier… what's wrong?"
"I'm… not used to being stuck in a strange place without Toby…" replied the man shakily.
Oily blinked, frowning. "Oh I see… you miss your friend…"
Nick sighed, "He's not just my friend Oily… we've been through hell and back together, he's a brother to me!"
Oily nodded a little, "I understand… if I could do something about it I would but right now Edwyn can't take you in or bring Toby out…" he frowned, wanting to help but not knowing how.
He yelped in surprise as he felt a hand on his shoulder, apparently he had woken Edwyn up.
"He's taking it badly huh?"
Oily sighed, "He is… he misses Toby and he can't seem to settle without him…"
Edwyn sighed, sitting down at the table opposite him. "If he feels that strongly about it I'll find a way to get him down…"
Oily frowned, "Are you sure Edwyn? I'd hate to see you do yourself an injury…"
Edwyn smiled softly, "For them I can suffer it, bring him on out."
Oily shrugged and removed his collar before tensing, slowly forcing the man out and gently taking hold of him, sighing as he wriggled nervously. "Oily… what's going on?"
Oily smiled, turning him around. "Edwyn is going to find a way to get you down."
Nick blinked, "Can you do that Edwyn?"
Edwyn smiled softly, "I can do it a lot easier than I can hear you suffering."
Nick blushed, "I'm sorry Edwyn… me and Toby just aren't used to being separated…"
Edwyn smiled, reaching out and gently taking Nick from Oily and cuddling him against his chest fondly. "You don't have to apologise, I know you guys have been through some horrible things together… you hate being parted… I understand…"
Nick sighed, nodding, relaxing against Edwyn's chest shyly. "Thanks Edwyn."
Edwyn smiled, lifting him up. "Just… try to not move at all… and we should be okay."
Nick nodded, "Thank you Edwyn."
Edwyn smiled, knowing the 'thank yous' would go on all day if he let them, so instead of carrying on, he gently slid the man's head and shoulders into his mouth, starting to gulp gently, trying to swallow the small form as quickly as he could but without damaging him. It did hurt him this time, but fortunately the man didn't get stuck or anything, just stretching the delicate throat all the way down until he was finally squeezed through into the stomach.
Edwyn exhaled softly, moving back to the bed and laying down, resting a hand on his stomach as he felt the men greeting each other happily, then he gave Oily a reassuring nod and smile and allowed himself to fall back to sleep.

Nick kept himself perfectly still until he slid through into the more open area, whereupon he wriggled around onto all fours and felt around for Toby, sighing in relief as he felt the familiar form of his friend.
Toby was quite clearly deeply asleep, so Nick didn't try and wake him, he just carefully pulled at his friend until he was laying on his back, and then he settled down beside him again, at a right angle to him, with his head resting on the older man's gut.
Finally able to relax now, he cuddled down with a relieved grin and let himself settle, soothed by the warmth and scent of his friend and the huge heartbeat reverberating around them. He nodded approvingly and closed his eyes, his fears from earlier now forgotten as he finally settled down to sleep.

Theo sighed, watching the monitors uneasily... that little anomaly was STILL following them... somehow, whatever it was, had managed to keep going, without stopping, since he had first noticed it. However, it had held almost the exact same distance throughout that time, without gaining or losing any large amount of distance. Theo didn't know if it was following, or trying to catch up, and it was starting to freak him out pretty badly. He had spoken to Jones about it, but the man had clearly stated that they couldn't do anything about it... if they attacked, they risked killing some innocents... if they stopped, they risked allowing whoever or whatever it was to kill them... if they sped up, the thing still managed to keep pace somehow. There was nothing they could do except let this run its course. It had been a long day for the technician, his hands were sore from stripping wires and checking the electronics in the scanning equipment, to see if he could figure out whether this was a glitch, or something really there. All his efforts had been for nothing, because the anomaly remained, steady as ever. He had convinced himself that ignoring it was the best approach until it did something.

They were just entering a rockier part of the desert, hard to navigate, and dangerous to stop in, but absolutely riddled with richly rewarding ruins, from when it was believed that living in rockier areas was more secure.
It was normally a very profitable area to explore, this time however, something was different, Theo was nervous and jumpy, his eyes darting across the monitors at a downright silly speed. Something was wrong. He could tell... he just didn't know what it was yet! He did however, when the little anomaly dot that had been followed them suddenly seemed to accelerate impossibly, gaining ground on them at a frightening rate. Immediately alerted, Theo gunned the engine into going faster and sped the base up as fast as he dared to go, frowning as he realised they were running right into a narrow gorge, with high, rocky walls, and no turning or manoeuvring space until the other end. Had whatever was chasing them known he would do this?! Did they have time to turn? He looked at the area map, his eyes widening as he realised that they didn't have the space to turn at that speed... and the dot was still getting closer. "Jones!" called the technician into his headset. "We have a serious problem! Get up here!" He didn't know what to do!
Several minutes later, Jones was just reaching the door of the control room when there was a sudden, booming explosion in front of them, and Theo had to slam on the breaks, bringing the base to an undignified, screeching halt in the gorge, dust and rock-shards raining out of the air as the aftermath of the explosion settled. Theo winced, pulling himself back into his seat, having been thrown out of it when they stopped. He stared at the monitors, frowning to see that in front of them was a solid wall of shattered rock... and behind them... that anomaly dot was practically on top of them! This had to be some kind of ambush! "Jones!" Called Theo, knowing the leader had almost been there. "Jones?" the technician stood up weakly and shuffled out into the corridor, seeing that Jones had been thrown forwards hard against the door that led to the engine room.
"Hero!" He exclaimed, rushing forwards and kneeling beside the leader, helping the man stand up. "Are you okay? Please be okay... this is too bad for you not to be okay!"
Jones chuckled weakly at the twitchy little man's over-fast speech. "Calm down, I'm alright, I just bumped my head."
Theo nodded, panting a little. "Well good... because we are in trouble... that little dot that was chasing us? It drove us into a gorge, then there was an explosion and we had to stop and they will probably be on top of us already! I think it was an ambush Jones!"
Jones frowned, "That's insane... how could they have set up an ambush without knowing where we were going?"
"It wouldn't have been hard to hack us and see our planned route if they knew what they were doing... our defences against that have been low for a while, I told you we needed a new part."
Jones sighed, frowning. "Oh great... just... tell me you locked the base down?"
Theo blinked, his mouth opening slightly in embarrassed horror. "...whoops."

Jones's eyes widened, but before he had time to respond, there was a horrific sounding scraping noise from the other end of the base, reverberating through the metal of the entire vehicle. Jones winced, "Theo, get on the communicators and tell the others to arm themselves and meet me at the storage room door... that'll be the one they're using."
Theo blinked, then nodded, scrambling back to the controls to do as told.
Jones frowned and hurried to his room, grabbing his nearest sword and pistol, holstering the latter and holding the former threateningly as he made his way down to the final car of the base, where the door was still being forced open. Jones frowned a little as his eyes set on the gloved hands on each side of the slowly opening door... that was worrying... those hands were huge.
Gulping slightly, Jones set his jaw and shouted angrily. "HEY! UNLESS YOU WANT TO LOSE THOSE HANDS, I SUGGEST YOU GET THEM THE HELL OUT OF MY BASE!"
Oily came skidding into the area at that moment, guns firmly in his hands. "Jones... what the heck is happening?!"
Jones frowned, "We're being boarded, prepare for a fight..." He gasped in shock as the door suddenly seemed to give, and with a shove, the figure outside pushed it open completely.
Oily gasped as he saw the figure through the dusty air... standing at a towering height for a human, with muscles that made even Murdock look pretty small.
"Jones... he's huge..." murmured the mechanic fearfully, his eyes travelling up and down the strange man. "And..." he froze as his eyes set on something very unusual indeed. "And he's not human..."
Jones blinked, looking to Oily, "What are you talking about?!"
Oily stared, lifting a hand and pointing at the figure's lower side... where something odd was visible in his form. "He's got a TAIL!"
Jones stared in disbelief, taking a step back, raising his knife as two more of the figures appeared over the large form's shoulders. "Oh crap..."

Hey, four weeks without any failed upload weeks XD I'm getting back into the swing of this.

The start of the new twist! oooooooh, yes, I finally got to it!

Softening you up with some nice fluffy vore, and then delivering another horrible cliffy :D ... I'm getting meaner at this XD

But yes, the start of a new twist in the story, new dangers... or are they? I suppose you'll have to read on to find out! :O

Please enjoy and comment! <3

Next part: [link]
© 2011 - 2024 LiamsLostAngel
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megawert's avatar
augh! all i can see in my head is those creepy things from star wars on tatooine D:
haha how fun!